Manually Updating Flatten Links

You can update manually the flatten link between a single component in a flattened view and the corresponding component in the 3D geometry.

Before you begin: Have both the 3D geometry design data and the flattened geometry data open.
Related Topics
Removing Flatten Links
Automatically Updating Flatten Links
  1. Click Manually Update Flatten Link in the Update Flatten Links toolbar.

    Important: Moving the mouse over flattened harness components highlights the corresponding component in the product. No highlight means that the link is broken and needs updating.

  2. In the flattened geometry document, select the component whose link you want to update.

    Only components with broken or no flatten link can be selected. You can select a:

    • Segment
    • Device
    • Protective Covering
    • Support
    • Conductor or Conductor Group.

  3. In the 3D geometry, select the component to which you want to map the flattened component.

    A check is done to ensure that the same type of component is selected. Selected components are mapped to each other and the flatten link is updated.

    At the end of the command, the mapped components are highlighted in both documents. Press Escape or select the components to un-highlight them.