Preparing the Flattening Process

You can choose not to flatten some parts of the electrical geometry.

This command is useful especially for internal branches of complex connectors since it does not make sense to have them flattened. The selected devices must belong to the same electrical geometry.

Before you begin: Extract an electrical geometry.
Related Topics
Flattening the Entire Geometry
  1. Go to Tools > Flatten Status

    The colors on the electrical geometry change to indicate you whether the different branches are flattenable or not.

    • Green: the branch is flattenable.
    • Yellow: the branch is not flattenable.
    • Blue: the branch is already flattened.

  2. Click the branch you do not want to be flattened.

    The selected branch turns yellow. Click again if you want it to be set back to green.

  3. Double-click the background to validate and exit the command.

  4. Use the Flatten command.

Use the Flatten Status command again to see the different branch statuses.