About Flattening the Geometry

This topic provides information needed to flatten Electrical Physical Systems or Electrical Geometries.

Related Topics
Flattening the Entire Geometry
Partially Flattening the Geometry

Flattening Geometries Containing Closed Loops

Electrical geometries containing closed loops are detected and can be flattened. A message appears informing you that a closed loop has been detected and asking you whether or not you want to proceed.

Closed loops are managed at branch level and not at segment level. When flattening geometries containing closed loops, the system breaks the:

  • Mechanical link at a system-defined point and creates a green line between the two ends of the previously-joined branches. The green line is created between two points: the point that existed before the loop was opened and a new point created at one of the branch ends. The green line informs the user where the system had to open the loop.
  • Electrical link.

You must then close the loop manually by rotating, rolling, etc. the branch.

  • To break a loop at a user-defined point, straighten one of the branches, taking care to correctly select fixed and free ends of the branch.
  • Where protective covering is placed over more than one branch in a loop, breaking the loop at a user-defined point by straightening a branch over which there is no protective covering is recommended.