Breaking/Trimming Use-Edges

You can break or trim imported elements (projection, intersection, offset). The created use edge is turned into construction mode but the geometry remains unchanged.

Before you begin:

For the purpose of this scenario an example of trimming element is used.

  • Create a conic.
  • Exit Sketcher and in the Part Design workbench, create a new sketch based on the conic.
  • Project the conic.
  • Create two lines as shown below.
Related Topics
Trimming Multiple Elements
  1. Click Trim in the Operation toolbar.

  2. Select the use edge between the two lines.

  3. Select a first line.

    An arc is created based on the use-edge and the original use-edge is put in construction mode as shown here.

  4. Click Trim .

  5. Select the arc between the two lines.

  6. Select the second line.

    The mark, which is put in construction mode, and the arc are displayed in the specification tree.

    Tip: When trimming a curve the selected location on the curve is important as it determines the curve part that will be kept.
    Important: Keep in mind that:
    • When deleting the use edge (projection, intersection, etc...), all the arcs related to it are deleted too.
    • Editing an arc is only possible in the Sketcher workbench.
    • After a trim operation, for instance, the diagnosis is not modified and if the sketch is iso-constrained, it will stay iso-constrained.