More about Animating Constraints

You can modify animate constraints using the Animate Constraint dialog box.

The following topics are discussed:

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Animating Constraints

Animate Constraint Dialog Box

In this dialog box, you can modify animate constraints.


The different actions you can do are:

Button Tooltip Description

Run Back Animation shows the different constraint values starting from the last value. In our scenario, we saw a counterclockwise rotation.

Pause Animation stops the animation on the current value.

Stop Animation stops the animation and assigns the first value to the constraint.

Run Animation starts the command using the option defined (see below).


The different options are:

Button Tooltip Description

One Shot shows the animation only once.

Reverse shows the animation from the first to the last value, then from the last to the first value.

Loop shows the animation from the first to the last value, then from the last to the first and so on.

Repeat repeats the animation many times from the beginning to the end.