Applying Heat Flux

This task shows you how to apply heat fluxes on your model.

Related Topics
About Heat Flux
In Other Guides
Balloons in DesignSight
  1. Select a face on the model.

    The heat flux will be applied across the entire highlighted region.

    Tip: Use [Ctrl]+[Click] to select multiple faces at once.

  2. In the balloon, select heat flux .

  3. To define the heat flux magnitude:

    1. Click the existing magnitude.

    2. Type a new magnitude into the text field.
    3. Press Enter or click the background of the viewport to commit the magnitude.

  4. To complete the heat flux definition:

    • Click the background to commit the heat flux, or
    • Click a new face to commit the current heat flux and begin a new heat flux definition.

  5. To edit a heat flux after it has been created, double-click the heat flux's glyph in the model. To delete a heat flux, click its glyph and press [Delete].

    The Review Panel can also be used to edit or delete a heat flux.