Material Option Input Data

Each material option requires a unique set of data to define the characteristics and response of the material in a simulation. The tables below summarize the data that must be provided for each option:

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Material Options
Defining Material Options

Isotropic Elasticity

Young's Modulus The material stiffness, in units of force per cross-sectional area.
Poisson's Ratio The ratio of transverse contraction to axial expansion in a material sample.

Isotropic Plasticity

Isotropic plasticity is defined using a set of tabular data in which each row represents a True Plastic Strain value and the corresponding Yield Stress at that strain. Plastic strain to stress relationships are interpolated linearly between each provided data point; the stress remains constant at strains outside the specified data range.

Tip: To add or delete rows from the table, right-click in the table region and select an option from the menu that appears.

True Plastic Strain Plastic component of the true—or logarithmic—strain in the material (i.e., true strain that will not be recovered after the stress is removed).
Yield Stress True—or logarithmic—stress value at the corresponding true plastic strain.


Density The mass per unit volume of a material.

Isotropic Conductivity

Thermal Conductivity The rate at which heat flows across a temperature gradient in a material.


Viscoelastic behavior is defined numerically using a Prony series expansion of the shear and bulk relaxation moduli in the material. Data are entered in a table in which each row represents a set of constants in one term of the Prony series; the order of the rows corresponds to the order of the terms in the series.

Tip: To add or delete rows from the table, right-click in the table region and select an option from the menu that appears.

Gi Prony The modulus ratio in the corresponding term in the Prony series expansion of the shear relaxation modulus.
Ki Prony The modulus ratio in the corresponding term in the Prony series expansion of the bulk relaxation modulus.
Tau_i Prony The relaxation time, in units of seconds, for the corresponding term in the Prony series expansion.


Material damping is specified according to the following equation:

where are the natural frequencies of the model on which the material is applied.

Alpha The mass proportional damping factor; this factor tends to have a stronger effect at lower frequencies.
Beta The stiffness proportional damping factor; this factor tends to have a stronger effect at higher frequencies.


Isotropic thermal strains occur according to the following equation:

where is the temperature change in the model.

Alpha The coefficient of thermal expansion.