DesignSight Results

The results that can be reviewed after a DesignSight simulation depend on the type of simulation you are performing. The table below lists all of the results available in DesignSight, as well as the simulation methods and products that can be used to generate them.

Related Topics
DesignSight Simulation Methods
Viewing Simulation Results
Result Description Methods Products
Deformation Deformed shape of a model

Stress Simulations

Frequency Simulations

DesignSight Structure

DesignSight Structure Plus

Displacement Contour plot of the distance each point has moved from its original location

Stress Simulations

Frequency Simulations

DesignSight Structure

DesignSight Structure Plus

Heat Flux Vector plot of the flow of heat Thermal Simulations DesignSight Thermal
Plastic Strain Contour plot of permanent deformation

Stress Simulations

DesignSight Structure

DesignSight Structure Plus

Temperature Contour plot of temperatures Thermal Simulations DesignSight Thermal
Von Mises Stress Contour plot of resistive stress forces

Stress Simulations

DesignSight Structure

DesignSight Structure Plus