DesignSight Simulation Methods

The DesignSight workbench consists of multiple products. Each product provides access to one or more simulation methods. When you create a DesignSight simulation and specify a simulation method, you can select only those methods associated with the products that are licensed at your site.

The table below lists all of the available DesignSight products and the simulation methods they provide. Documentation is available for each of the methods in the form of focused simulation Method Guides.

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Product Available Methods Method Description
DesignSight Structure Stress Simulations Simulate the deformation of a single part under realistic loading conditions.
Frequency Simulations Determine the natural frequencies of a single part.
DesignSight Structure Plus Stress Simulations* Simulate the deformation of a part or assembly under realistic loading conditions.
Frequency Simulations* Determine the natural frequencies of a part or assembly.
DesignSight Thermal Thermal Simulations Simulate the distribution of temperature in a single part subjected to thermal loads.
* The stress simulation and frequency simulation capabilities provided with DesignSight Structure Plus support simulations on assemblies of multiple products in addition to single parts.