DesignSight Simulation Features

Simulation features are the building blocks of a DesignSight simulation. Features describe the various connections, restraints, and actions that are applied to your part.

A simulation feature is meaningful only in the context of the type of simulation being performed. The table below lists all of the simulation feaures available in the DesignSight product suite, as well as the simulation methods and products that provide access to them.

Related Topics
DesignSight Simulation Methods
Abaqus Equivalents
Feature Description Methods Products

Ball Joint

Defines a fixed center of rotation for a surface

Stress Simulations

Frequency Simulations

DesignSight Structure

DesignSight Structure Plus


Permanently attaches a surface on one component to a surface on another component

Stress Simulations

Frequency Simulations

DesignSight Structure Plus


Prevents a surface from moving or deforming

Stress Simulations

Frequency Simulations

DesignSight Structure

DesignSight Structure Plus


Translational load applied in a single direction

Stress Simulations

DesignSight Structure

DesignSight Structure Plus

Heat Flux

Flow of heat into or out of a surface Thermal Simulations DesignSight Thermal


Twisting or rotational load

Stress Simulations

DesignSight Structure

DesignSight Structure Plus


Normal load distributed evenly across a surface

Stress Simulations

DesignSight Structure

DesignSight Structure Plus


Constrains a surface to a constant temperature value Thermal Simulations DesignSight Thermal