Defining Execution Parameters Initial Conditions

You can modify the model parameters values that will be used during a virtual execution.

Note that modifying these execution values do not modify the functional / logical model values.

Before you begin:
  • From the Package Browser, open the Modelica Standard Library, then select Mechanics > Multibody > Example > Elementary to activate DoublePendulum.
  • From the Component Browser or from the diagram, select boxBody2.

    The Parameter and Variable Editor displays the boxBody2 model parameters values.

    For the purpose of this scenario, you will define a new width value for the virtual execution.

Related Topics
About Virtual Execution
Importing Initial Conditions
Working with the Variable Browser
  1. Select Parameters Initial Value from the Execution toolbar.

    1. A Compute initial conditions window with status bar is displayed during computation.
    2. After computation, the Variable Browser is displayed. It contains a list of the Initial conditions.

      The initial conditions are listed in columns.

  2. Click + next to boxBody2 to view its children and select the width parameter.

  3. Enter a new width value: 0.01 for example.

    Tip: If you need to reset your modification and restore the values of the model, select Refresh parameters from current model .

  4. From the compass, select Play to execute DoublePendulum.

    Note that the width is now modified to the new value you entered.

  5. From the compass, select Play to end the virtual execution.

  6. Switch to the Component Browser and select boxBody2 to display its model parameters values.

    From the Parameter Browser, note that the width parameter value of the model has not been modified.