Creating a Connection to a Logical Port

You can create a connection between behavior ports/connectors and logical ports.

Before you begin: In this scenario, you will connect a connector (from the conductor component) to a logical port (Port 1), previously synchronized from the VPM Functional Logical Editor.

Refer to Functional and Logical Behavior: Synchronizing Behavior Ports Mapping from the VPM Functional and Logical User's Guide.

Related Topics
About Connectors and Connection
  1. Select a connector from the Component Browser or from the diagram.

  2. Select Connection from the Balloon contextual toolbar or from the Authoring toolbar.

    A connection line appears and follows the cursor.

  3. If need be, right-click and select Right Angle from the contextual menu to create a right-angle.

  4. Select Port 1 to create the connection.

    The connection is created.

    Warning: When connected to a behavior port, the logical port inherits the behavior port type (a positive type in our example). It cannot be connected later to a port with another type.