The Show Component command lets you enter the component to display its parameters. In other terms, this command shows the instantiated class taking into account overloaded parameters (modifiers).
Before you begin:
Create a behavior representation (either behavior library or logical behavior).
From the Modelica Standard Library, instantiate DoublePendulum from Mechanics > MultiBody > Exemple > Elementary
Activate the behavior containing the instantiated DoublePendulum
Select the DoublePendulum component from the diagram layer or from the Component Browser.
Select Show Component from the Balloon contextual toolbar.
You can also select Show Component from the contextual menu of a component (either from the Component Browser or from the 2D diagram).
The component is displayed.
If you modify this instantiated class, you modify only the top-level component enclosing it (active component). This will add a modifier on this component. To modify the class definition and all its instances, refer to Showing Class Definition.