Showing Class Definition

You can display the definition of a class, i.e. the source class from which a component has been instantiated.

Before you begin:

  • Create a behavior representation (either behavior library or logical behavior).
  • From the Modelica Standard Library, instantiate DoublePendulum from Mechanics.MultiBody.Example.Elementary.
  • Activate the behavior containing the instantiated DoublePendulum.

  1. From the Component Browser or the diagram, select the World component.

  2. Select Show Class Definition from the Balloon contextual toolbar.

    Tip: You can also select Show Class Definition from the contextual menu of a component (either from the Component Browser or from the 2D diagram).

    The World class definition is now active, it appears from the Component Browser and the diagram layer.

Warning: When you modify a class definition, all its instances inherit the modification.