Selecting / Activating a Class

The Package Browser is an immersive dialog box which displays the libraries loaded in session and the logical behaviors.

The root level displays all the libraries and logical behaviors that are loaded in session.

The levels below display the packages (i.e. sub-libraries) containing all the classes that can be instantiated.

This task shows you how to:

Select a Class

You can execute an object-action command on a selected class, even if it is not the activated class.

  1. Expand a root package to see the packages and classes below.

  2. To select a class in the Package Browser, click its node only once.

    When a class is selected, it is highlighted in the Package Browser:

  3. You can now execute any object-action command on the selected class.

Activate a Class

To be editable, a class must be activated.

  1. To activate a class, you have two possibilities:

    1. Double-click the class from the Package Browser.
    2. Right-click the class, then select Edit from the contextual menu.

    The class is highlighted in the Package Browser, and it also appears highlighted from the Component Browser.

  2. You can now edit the class. For example, you can instantiate an class, or create a new class in an active package.