Inserting a Chapter

This section introduces the Catalog Editor which provides interactive commands to create and modify your own catalogs by adding chapters, keywords and items.

  1. Select a catalog or a chapter.

  2. Click Insert New Chapter or right-click and select Insert > New Chapter or, in the menubar, select Insert > New Chapter.

    The Catalog / Chapter DS dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name box, enter the name of the new Chapter, then click Finish.

    The new chapter is created and displayed in the catalog structure. The Manage Keywords dialog box appears (see Adding Keywords).

    Important: When creating a sub-chapter, keywords are automatically inherited from the father chapter. You can modify them at the sub-chapter level using the Manage Keywords command. After the sub-chapter has been created, new keywords added on the father chapter will be propagated to the sub chapter.

A catalog consists of chapters and each chapter consists of sub-chapters and/or items.

Warning: If you try to insert a new chapter whose name is the same as an existing chapter, a warning message will appear, after which you can enter a different name.