Using Smart Positioning

The Smart Positioning option allows you to position and constrain components through constraints in an engineering connection between published geometries of components.

Related Topics
Creating an Engineering Connection with Smart Positioning
Engineering Connection Assistant Toolbar

The Smart Positioning option is only available when you are creating an engineering connection.

There are three possibilities to proceed:

  • By selecting components in the Specification Tree.
  • By selecting published elements.
  • By dragging and dropping components on each other.

Each time, all possible solutions are computed from existing published geometries in components:

  • By selecting components in the Specification Tree, all solutions are proposed and pre-positioned with transparency.

    The best computed solution appears less transparent and passing the mouse over a solution will hide other solutions.

  • By selecting published elements, all solutions are proposed and pre-positioned with transparency once the targeted published element is selected.

    The selected solution appears less transparent and passing the mouse over a solution will hide other solutions.

  • The closest solution to the cursor is proposed among those computed, when you move the cursor over the targeted component.

However user is allowed to create a first constraint in order to reduce the number of solution, and when numerous solutions exists the cursor is replaced by a hourglass until that all solutions have been found.

The constraints can be created between the following published elements only:

  • Point,
  • Line,
  • Axis,
  • Plane,
  • Axis System.

Two constraints types can be created:

  • Coincidence between the same type of published element.
  • Contact between the same type of published element.

No more than two constraints are created by the Smart Positioning. This does not include a first constraint created by the user.