Manipulating Components

You can manipulate a component freehand with the mouse.

Before you begin:
  • Open an assembly.
  • The element to be manipulated must belong to the active component.
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Stop Manipulation on Clash
  1. Click Manipulate .

    The Manipulation Parameters dialog box appears.

    You can translate or rotate components using one of the following options:

    • The first and second horizontal rows are reserved for translations. You can move your component along the x, y or z-axis as well as in the xy, yz and xz planes.
    • The third row is reserved for rotations. You can rotate your component around the x, y or z-axis.
    • The fourth column lets you specify the direction of your choice by selecting a geometric element. This element defines the direction of the move or the axis of rotation.

  2. Click Drag along Y axis .

  3. Drag Jack_Branch_3.

    The component is translated along the Y axis direction.

  4. Click Drag around Y axis .

  5. Rotate Jack_Frame.

    The component is rotated around the Y axis direction.

  6. Select With respect to constraints.

    If you repeat the previous operation, you will notice that you are not allowed to do it. The existing parallelism constraint prevents you from moving the component.

  7. Click OK to exit.