Reporting Using a Batch

You can work with a batch in order to generate flat reports. A V6 batch is a non-interactive program which is based on an xml file that includes a parameter File (containing its inputs and outputs).

Before you begin: The fastener batch report is launched by CATBatchStarter utility which uses the xml file as a parameter.
Related Topics
Reporting Using CATUtil
Creating Flat Reports
  • From a command window, launch the following command: CATBatchStarter -input xml_file.

    The input xml file defines the whole description of CATIA batch process and parameters to generate the flat report.

    Basic parameters are:

    • products containing the fastener sets to be reported

    • the directory where flats reports will be generated

    • flat report options. For more information, refer to Creating Flat Reports.

    All these parameters are saved in the xml file, whose structure looks like this and contains various information:

    Tip: The xml file can be later edited and used as a parameter to launch the CATIA batch session.

    The batch report provides a full html report when finished:

    The directory of html report is used to output the log file in case of problems detected during the flat report processing. In this case, a warning message is added to the existing log file.

    • Flat report names are automatically generated: Part Number + Version + Maturity.txt.
    • It is not possible to choose a particular fastener set to be reported, i.e. all the fastener sets found inside the product will be output.