Accessing Properties

This task shows you how to access properties associated to PLM objects.

Access Properties

Properties are presented on several tab pages, e.g. object Reference, object Versions and 3D Thumbnail Preview.

  1. Right-click a part and select Properties.

    The Properties dialog box appears. The default tab is Reference.

  2. Click Instance.

    The instance information is displayed.

  3. Click Versions.

    The user can see all the available versions of the object including the latest version.

  4. Click Preview.

    The 3D Thumbnail associated to the object is displayed.

  5. Click Close to exit the dialog box.

  • In the Versions tab, you can choose to display the versions in Detail, Thumbnail or Tile format.
  • The shortcut for opening the Properties dialog box is Alt + Enter.

Accessing Properties for Multiple Selected Objects

When you access properties for multiple selected objects, an additional selection list enables you to specify the specific object for which you want to examine properties.

  1. In the Navigation window, select a multiple number of objects.

  2. Right-click any one of the selected objects and select Properties.

    The Properties dialog box appears. The Current Selection box, at the top of the dialog box, is accessible contains and the value All.

  3. Click the Current Selection arrow and select an object from the list.

    The properties of the selected object will be displayed.