Filtering Data using Explicit Selection

This task shows you how to filter data using an explicit selection. Only branches containing objects that were explicitly selected will appear after the filter is applied.

  1. In the toolbar, click Filter .

    The Filter dialog box appears.

    Note: The filter categories that appear depend on the data source connector you are using. See Functionality Availability.

  2. Click Apply Filter from Selection.

    The list area appears. Note that by default, when no objects are in the list, the filter will be applied to the entire tree (from Root).

  3. To add an object to the selection, select the object in the tree or in the 3D and click Add Mode (or vice-versa, first click Add Mode and then select the object).

    The object is added to the list.

  4. To remove an object from the selection, select the object in the list, in the tree or in the 3D and click Remove Mode (or vice-versa, first click Remove Mode and then select the object).

    The object is removed from the list.

    • Only branches containing objects that were explicitly selected will be kept after the filter is applied.
    • Only children matching the filter criteria will be displayed.
    • In a selected branch (a selected node implies selection of the branch extending from the root to the node), if no children match the filter criteria, then only the branch will be displayed.
    • The Expand All option will only impact children of the selected nodes:
      • if Expand All is not activated, then you will only see the branches extending to the selected nodes
      • if Expand All is activated, then it will be applied to the content under each selected node.
    • To add multiple objects to the list without having to click Add Mode each time, double-click Add Mode and then select the objects you want to add. To remove multiple objects from the list without having to click Remove Mode each time, double-click Remove Mode and then select the objects you want to remove.
    • Multi-selection is available in the tree, in the 3D and in the list.
    • You can use available selection commands in conjunction with Explicit Selection.
    • A contextual menu for objects in the list enables you to: Reframe On, Make Visible or Remove the selected objects.

The following diagram illustrates explicit selection: