Filtering Data using an Attribute Filter

This task shows you how to filter the data in your session using an Attribute filter.

For an Attribute filter, multiple criterion can be activated. You also have the option to automatically expand the entire structure after having applied the filter or to apply the filter without any expansion of the root.

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  1. In the toolbar, click Filter .

    The Filter dialog box appears.

    Note: The filter categories that appear depend on the data source connector you are using. See Functionality Availability.

  2. Click Attributes and click New or right-click Attributes and select New criteria on attribute.

    The Attributes Filter dialog box appears.

  3. Define an attribute filter criteria on an object type.

    Important: If you want the filtered results to include those objects in which the specified string is found somewhere after the beginning of the object name, then you must add the wildcard * in front of the specified string, e.g. *axle. (The wildcard * is automatically added after the specified string.)

  4. Click OK to confirm.

    The defined attribute filter criteria is displayed in the Filter tree.

  5. Click New again.

  6. Define a second attribute filter criteria on a different object type, e.g. on object type Representation.

  7. Click OK to confirm.

  8. Click the Representation Name Like axle criteria and click Activate/Deactivate .

    The criterion is now marked as deactivated.

  9. Click the With Representation sub-category and click Delete Criteria .

    All criteria for the sub-category With Representation are deleted. (The With Representation sub-category is removed because it no longer contains any entries.)

    • For Attribute filters, multiple criterion can be activated. When there are multiple criterion, you will have the option of using the AND operator or the OR operator between the active criterion.
    • For Attribute filters, all nodes will be displayed for object types for which filter criteria are not specified.
    • When criteria are specified for References and Representations, the criteria for Representations is applied only if there are representations under a Reference. If there are none, the Reference is kept.

    Note: It is now possible to define Combined Criteria on an Attribute criteria for which the second criteria, if matched, will result in the display of the matched objects if they are found in the level immediately below the matched objects of the first criteria.

Tip: If you use a Combined Criteria and you want objects directly under the root that respond to the criteria to be included in the result, then you must be sure that the root will also match the criteria.

Product Structure before filtering:

Supplementary criteria added to match the Root and thereby include the representation found under the root:

Product Structure after filtering: