Enabling Sheet Editor for Documents

The Sheet Editor allows you to view and edit the properties of multiple objects (of the same type) in a spreadsheet view. The Sheet Editor may be accessed from the VPM Navigator tree, search results, impact graph, or VPM Editor. Refer to the Using Sheet Editor in User Tasks > VPM Navigator for specific information about Sheet Editor. This task shows you how to enable the sheet editor for the documents using the VPM Navigator tree. This will allow you to view and edit the properties of the document. You can select multiple documents to do this task. Single document selection is used for this example.

Related Topics
Using the Sheet Editor
  1. Expand the VPM Navigator tree.

  2. Select the document and click Edit > Sheet Editor... .

    The immersive Sheet Editor dialog box appears.

  3. To modify an attribute value for a selected object, click the attribute, enter the new value and press Enter.

    The modification status is indicated in the left-most column:

    • : attributes in the row have been modified and the modifications are compliant with the Business Rules check.
    • : attributes in the row have been modified but warnings have been raised by the Business Rules check.
    • : attributes in the row have been modified but errors have been raised by the Business Rules check.

  4. To save your changes, click Commit .

    The changes will be saved in the database. For more information about the Sheet Editor dialog box, see Using the Sheet Editor.

  5. To exit the sheet editor, press Escape or click the "x" at the upper-right corner of the immersive dialog box.