Deleting Documents

This task shows you how to delete documents. To perform this task, a document attached to a product structure is required. Documents can be created in error or just over time become obsolete and need to be deleted to avoid cluttering the database. They can be quickly removed using the Delete command found in the search results workbench. In order to delete a document, it must be detached from all parts and references at the time the command is called. Also, to delete a document, you must have the P&O rights to lock and delete the document.

  1. Select a document from the search results workbench and click Delete from the Lifecycle Toolbar. You may also right-click the selected document in the search results workbench and click Delete... from the contextual menu.

    If there are no conflicts, a Delete dialog box appears that summarizes the documents that are going to be deleted thus allowing you to review the action before actually deleting the document.

    If there is a conflict preventing the deletion, for example, if the document is attached to a Product reference, then an error dialog box appears. Click on the error to see more information regarding the conflict and possible ways to resolve it.

  2. Click OK to complete the deletion of the document. A confirmation message appears on the top right corner of the screen indicating that the command completed successfully.

Note: Documents can only be deleted from the search results workbench.