Check Out
This task shows you how to check out a document.
Right-click a document in the VPM Navigator tree and
select Check Out
The Choose File Location And Name dialog box appears.
Select the directory where you want to check out the
document file. Click Save.
A message appears on the top right corner of the screen indicating that
the command completed successfully.
The document is checked out into the selected directory.
You can now view and make changes to the document.
The document attribute Check Out is set to True.
The Checked out user attribute displays the name of the user
who has checked out the file.
- Maturity status can not be modified if the document
is Checked Out.
- Document that is Checked Out will automatically
be locked by the current user.
![Click to enlarge this image](../DocumentImages/doc_manag_open02NLS_s.gif)
Cancel Check Out
This task shows you how to cancel the check out operation.
Right-click a checked out document in the VPM Navigator
tree and select Cancel Check Out
The document is marked as checked in and no modifications
are made to the vault.
A message appears on the top right corner of the screen
indicating that the command completed successfully.
The Check Out attribute is set to False.
This task shows you how to download the document into a desired location.
From the VPM Navigator tree, right-click a document
and select Download.
The Choose File Location And Name dialog box appears.
Select the directory where you want to copy the file
and click Save.
A message appears on the top right corner of the screen indicating that
the command completed successfully.
The file is copied into the selected directory.
Check In
This task shows you how to check in a document.
From the VPM Navigator tree, right-click a selected
checked out document and select Check In
The Confirmation dialog box appears
showing the path to the checked out document.
If this is the file you want to check in, select
Yes and the document is automatically checked back in.
If No is selected, the file chooser window appears allowing you to select
the appropriate file to check in. Click Yes and the
document is checked in and a message appears on the top right corner
of the screen indicating that the command completed successfully.
In both cases, the file is checked into the vault, replacing
the previous version of the file. In order to retain both (old and new)
files you should use a new version of the document.
If you refresh your search, you will see the document
is now displayed with Check Out as False.
![Click to enlarge this image](../DocumentImages/doc_manag_checkin03NLS_s.gif)
- Directory where you have checked out the document is
displayed in the file chooser window when Check In
is selected.
- Document that is Checked In or Check
Out Cancelled will be unlocked automatically.
- Documents to which the Check
In, Check Out, Cancel Check Out
and Download commands apply include Word,
Excel and PowerPoint file types (*.doc, *.xls, *.ppt
- You can perform Check Out,
Cancel Check Out and Download
commands on multiple documents at one time. You can
use Check In command for a single file only.
In this example a single Microsoft Word Document will
be used.
- Maturity status can still be modified
even if the document is checked out.