Accessing 2D CATIA V4 models in CATIA V6

If you want to open your V4 models in CATIA V6, you need to use the File-based Design Import tool. In this topic you will learn how to view V4 2D models in V6. You can also print these 2D models.

You will also learn how to visualize transparent views. The visualization mode used (HLR - Hidden Line Removal, or NHR) is the same as the one used when V4 data was saved.

This task shows you how to view CATIA V4 Drawings in CATIA V6:

For more information, refer to Client Collaborative Platform | Coexistence and Transition | File-based Design Import | Importing Application Files from Previous Version.

View CATIA V4 Drawings in CATIA V6

You can visualize V4 drawings in V6. The procedure below describes this task.

  1. Import the CATIA V4 Drawing file into CATIA V6 as explained in V4 Integration User Guide: Importing and using CATIA V4 Models in CATIA V6. The model file is opened.

  2. Click the sheet tab (by default *DRAFT tab) or the 2D WSP Detail tab. You can visualize the drawing within the same model file (if any). You can visualize and select the standard views in this tab.

Visualize Transparent Views

You can visualize transparent views. The procedure below describes this task.

  1. Open a V4 model file containing one or several drawing views.

  2. Notice that the V4 model is in HLR representation mode.

  3. Click the *DRAFT tab. You can notice that the NHR mode is applied to the transparent view (i.e. the same mode as that of the V4 model).

  • In a model, imported in V6 and inserted into a Representation, you can visualize and select geometric elements (See V4 Integration User's Guide: Having Access to PRJ Files and V4 Model Comment in V6) and workspaces (See V4 Integration User's Guide: Selecting Geometric Elements on V4 Models).
  • The HLR representation mode is applied to space elements on transparent views: SolidE, SolidM, Face, Surface, Volume and the Ditto 3D. The specific attributes of 3D elements (color, line-type, thickness), the Show/No-Show mode and 3D filters are taken into account.
  • You can copy/paste as result transparent views with NHR or HLR representation.
  • When the V4 model is saved in NHR representation mode, the tubing elements are not displayed. This includes the harness elements.
Tip: Refer to V4 Integration User's Guide: Importing and using CATIA V4 Models in CATIA V6 for more information.