
The Resource options let you customize resource settings for Machining.

Select this tab to access options for:

Catalogs and Files

Catalogs and Files for Tools and PP Tables
Lets you specify the path of the folder containing tool catalogs, PP tables, and macros. Concatenate paths using a semi colon (;).

For example, if the concatenated folders


in the figure above contain PP tables, then those PP tables would be available for selection in the Machine Editor dialog box.


  • PP tables must be contained in folders named Manufacturing\PPTables.
  • tools must be contained in folders named Manufacturing\Tools.

Tool Selection

Automatic query after modification
When selected, activates an automatic query after each modification of a tool parameter.

Note: Performance is improved when this check box is not selected.

By default, this check box is selected.

Tool preview after selection
When selected, previews the tool after selection.

By default, this check box is selected.

Automatic Compute from Tool Feeds and Speeds

Feedrate attributes of the operation
When selected, selects the Automatic compute from tooling Feeds and Speeds check box for Feedrate in the Feeds and Speeds tab of machining operations to update automatically the feedrates of operations whenever feedrate information on the tool is modified.

By default, this option is selected.

Spindle attributes of the operation
When selected, selects the Automatic compute from tooling Feeds and Speeds check box for Spindle Speed in the Feeds and Speeds tab of Machining Operations to update automatically the speeds of operations whenever speed information on the tool is modified.

By default, this option is selected.

Tool Query mode in Machining Processes Instantiation

Lets you select the type of tool query to be executed when a Machining Process is instantiated:

  • Automatic Tool Query,
  • Interactive Tool Selection in case of multiple results,
  • Interactive Tool Selection if no tool is found.

Depending on the selected option, the Advanced tab page of the Search Tool dialog box shows the solved tool query for each operation in the Machining Process.

In the example below, you can choose one of the tools found in MillAndDrillToolAssembly, or use the Look in list to select a tool from the current document or another tool depository.

By default, the Automatic Tool Query option is selected.


Lets you select the display color for the spindle rotation arrow and arrow head.