Element's Analysis Dialog Box

The Elements' Analysis dialog box let you customize the color that will be used to display different types of dimensions, callouts and patterns. This dialog box appears when you click Configure for the Activate elements' analysis colors option.

This dialog box contains controls for:

Related Topics


Dimensions for which last update failed
Select a color for dimensions for which the last update failed.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to pink.

Non associative dimensions (on 3D)
Select a color for dimensions that are not associative to 3D geometry.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to grey.

Isolated dimensions
Select a color for dimensions that are not linked to any geometry.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to dark blue.

Dimensions converted to graphical elements
Select a color for dimensions that have been converted to graphical elements.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to dark green.

Fake dimensions
Select a color for fake dimensions.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to brown.

Dimensions driving 2D geometry
Select a color for dimensions driving 2D geometry.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to blue.

True dimensions
Select a color for true length dimensions.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to violet.

Clipped dimensions
Select a color for clipped dimensions.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to dark yellow.


Callouts for which last update failed
Select a color for callouts for which the last update failed.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to dark pink.

Isolated callouts
Select a color for callouts that are not linked to any view.

By default, this option is selected and the color is set to dark blue.


Contour thickness for zones with a size lower than the pitch
Select a thickness that will be used to point out the pattern area, when the size of this area is lower than the pitch (so that no hatch or dot can be displayed).

By default, this option is selected and the thickness is set to index 5.