For detailed background information about grid computing, refer to
"Setting Up Batch Monitoring for Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003" in
the Installation and Deployment Guide.
Grid Computing
- Driver
MS CCS which stands for Microsoft Compute Cluster ServerThis
option is for information purposes only.
- Head Node
Name of the computer hosting the head node of the MS CCS
- Env Name
The name of the environment file to be used for the environment of
the batches started through MS CCS, for example:
Dir Env
The directory
where the above environment file is to be found. The default is:
\\headNode\HOME\GRID_HOME\Env It must
be the same for all nodes.
- License File
The directory where the license file is to be found. The default is:
This file must be called: LicenseSetup.txt
- Allow Visu in Batches
Allows batches to use the graphics adapter.
- Activate
Activates the Grid computing function. Can only be activated once all
the necessary parameters have been set.When checking this button, all
the above fields will be checked. If one of them is set incorrectly, an
error panel will be displayed.
Batch Infrastructure
Directory for batches logs and temp files
path must be UNC and accessible in RW mode: mandatory for activation.