
This tab contains the options for accessing the macro development environment for automation purposes.

Default Editors

The default editors list is as follows:

  • C#: Visual Studio Tools for Applications IDE
  • CATScript: Internal editor
  • MS VBA: Visual Basic Editor
  • MS VBScript: internal editor
  • VB.Net: Visual Studio Tools for Applications IDE.

If you are using CATScript or VBScript, click the Change editor... button and select the editor you want to use. You cannot change the editor if you are using VBA.

After choosing an external editor, you can restore the default editor by selecting the language and clicking the Default editor button.

The default editor is the CATScript internal V5 editor.

External References

External references are only used when your macro script is used to control external applications. You have identify and select the corresponding typelibs.

By default, the external references list is empty. Clicking the All references... button displays the Current references dialog box containing a list of all the Version 5 typelibs because they are installed automatically.

To add external typelibs, click the Add reference... button and navigate to select the typelibs. If you click the All references... button again, you will see the external references at the bottom of the list in the Current references dialog box.

To remove external references, select them from the list and click the Remove reference button.

Default Macro Libraries

Macro libraries selected using the Default Macro Libraries dialog will be opened by default using the dialog for automation (Tools>Macro>Macros...) tab from which they cannot be removed as long as they are referenced by this setting.

To add a default library:

  1. Select the type of library (Directories or VBA Projects) to be added.
  2. Click the first button to the right which opens a dialog box for selecting file (VBA) or directory (Directories). or: Click the second button to the right which opens a dialog box for editing file (VBA) or directory (Directories).

To delete a default library,click the third button which will delete all selected libraries.