Tolerancing Standard
- Default standard at creation
- Defines the conventional standard dedicated for Functional
Tolerancing & Annotation creation.
The options in the
Default standard at creation are as
- ISO_3D
- ISO standard for 3D.
- ISO standard for 3D, including DS ISO 1 Open Type font
based on the ISO 3098 standard.
- ASME standard for 3D.
- JIS_3D
- JIS standard for 3D.
- JIS standard for 3D, including DS ISO 1 Open Type font
based on the ISO 3098 standard.
By default,
ISO_3D standard is selected.
Catalog of Tolerancing Schemas for User Features
- Name
- Defines the catalog name that contain tolerancing schema for user features.
Semantic Control
- Always try to create semantic tolerances and dimensions
- Defines whether the application always tries to set as semantic
an annotation during its creation.
By default,
this option is selected.
- Always try to create semantic general tolerances on
- Defines whether the application always tries to set as
semantic a general tolerances dimension during its creation. Applicable on
dimension which can be semantic.
By default,
this option is not selected.
- Non-semantic tolerance creation allowed
- Defines whether non-semantic tolerances creation is allowed.
By default,
this option is selected.
- Non-semantic dimension creation allowed
- Defines whether non-semantic dimensions creation is allowed.
By default,
this option is selected.
Leader associativity to the geometry
- Free
- Defines that leader annotations are freely positioned relative to
their geometrical elements.
- Perpendicular
- Defines that leader annotations are positioned perpendicular to
their geometrical elements.
By default,
Free is selected.
Published Geometry
- Create annotation on published geometry only
- Defines whether annotations are created on published geometry
By default,
this option is not selected.
Note Object Attribute
- Allow Note Object Attribute creation
- Defines whether note object attribute may be created by user.
When not selected icon and menu item commands are disabled.
By default,
this option is not selected.