Conductor Routing

The Conductor Routing options let you customize conductor routing settings for Electrical Conductor Routing.

Select this tab to access options for:

Segment Update

Diameter and bend radius to its content
Selecting this check box means that, after wire routing, segment diameter and bend radius will be updated based on the wires and wire groups routed through the segment.

Click to clear this option if you do not want segment diameter and bend radius to be updated. If you clear this option, and you subsequently need to update segment diameter, you will have to force the update of each harness bundle:

  • Select the Diameter and bend radius to its content option
  • Select Tools > Recompute All Segments > Segment Diameter.

By default, this check box is selected.

Bend radius according to the conductor's
Three mutually exclusive modes are available:
  • Never: The minimum segment bend radius is never updated.
  • Always: The greatest bend radius of the conductors routed through the segment determines the segment bend radius to be applied.
  • Conditional: The conductor bend radius is taken into account when it is greater than the segment bend radius.

By default, Always is selected.

Percentage added to equivalent area
Specifies the percent spare space between conductors in the segment. This value is taken into account in the formula used to compute segment diameter when the number of conductors and/or conductors groups is 3 and above.

By default, 20% is selected.

Separation Code File

Specifies whether or not a compatibility table is used during:

  • conductor routing: Automatic Routing and Manual Routing. For more information, please refer to the Electrical Wire Routing User's Guide: Routing Wires Automatically, Routing Wires Manually.
  • route simulation: Simulate Route, see Electrical Wire Routing User's Guide: Simulating the Route.

No Rule
No separation conditions are applied.
Compatibility table
Select to take separation codes into account.
  • Click Browse and select the compatibility table (.txt file) to use.
  • Select Conductor-Conductor or Conductor-Segment depending on whether you want to manage compatibility on a wire-to-wire or wire-to-segment basis.

For more information, please refer to the Electrical Wire Routing User's Guide: About Compatibility Table

In Conductor-Segment mode, the compatbility table allows you to check if a conductor can be routed through segments. The separation code of the wire or wire group to route is compared with the separation code of each segment. If codes are compatible (or if the segment has no separation code), the wire can be routed through this segment. Otherwise it cannot be routed.

In Conductor-Conductor mode, the compatbility table allows you to check if two conductors can be routed through the same segment. The separation code of the conductor or conductor group to route is compared with the separation codes of all conductors or conductor groups already routed through the shared segment. If codes are compatible (or if the segment has no separation code), the conductor can be routed through this segment. Otherwise it cannot be routed.

By default, No Rule is selected.