
You can customize manipulators for Drafting and 2D Layout for 3D Design using this tab and configure their size, focus and the rotation snap angle. You can also configure the dimension manipulators by defining their moving options, modification options and so on.

Note: The Manipulators tab is separately available for 2D Layout for 3D Design.

Select this tab to access options for:


These settings can be used for any type of manipulator (texts, leaders, center lines, dimensions and so forth).

Manipulators transparency
Specify the transparency level of the inactive manipulators. This makes the display of manipulators transparent, when the pointer is not over them.

By default, the transparency level of manipulators is set to 80%.

Note: If you set the transparency at 0%, then the manipulators are solid.

Reference size

Specify the reference size that should be used for manipulators. In the case of texts, for example, this reference size corresponds to the diameter of the annotation manipulators.

By default, the reference size is set to 3mm.


Select this check box if you want to make manipulators zoomable.

By default, this check box is cleared.


Rotation snap angle

Specify the angle that should be used when rotating text elements (text, frame, or leader) using snapping. In other words, this option defines the snapping value used when rotating an element using the rotation manipulator.

  • In case of 2D components, snapping angles are computed according to the X direction of their view.
  • In case of annotations, snapping angles are computed according to their orientation reference: it can be the X direction of their sheet or the X direction of their view/2D component.

By default, the rotation snap angle is set to 15 deg.

Snap by default (SHIFT toggles)

Select this check box to use snapping automatically when rotating an element. Press the SHIFT key to activate/deactivate this option temporarily.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Dimension Manipulators

These options let you define which manipulators you will visualize and therefore use when creating and/or modifying dimensions:

Modify overrun

If you drag one overrun manipulator, both overrun extension lines are modified. To modify only the selected overrun extension line, use the Ctrl key. You can also double-click on the manipulator and enter the new value in the dialog box that appears.

By default, the Creation and Modification check boxes are cleared.

Modify blanking

If you drag one blanking manipulator, both blanking are modified. To modify only the selected blanking, use the Ctrl key. You can also double-click on the manipulator and enter the new value in the dialog box that appears.

By default, the Creation check box is cleared, and the Modification check box is selected.

Modify symbol
Allows you to modify the symbol, without using the Properties dialog box. For this, you need to right-click on the symbol and select required symbol from Symbol Shape.

By default, the Creation and Modification check boxes are cleared.

Insert text before

Allows you to insert a text before, without using the Properties dialog box. For this, you need to click on the manipulator and enter the new text in the dialog box that appears.

By default, the Creation and Modification check boxes are cleared.

Insert text after

Allows you to insert a text after, without using the Properties dialog box. For this, you need to click on the manipulator and enter the new text in the dialog box that appears.

By default, the Creation and Modification check boxes are cleared.

Move value

Lets you move only the dimension value.

By default, the Creation and Modification check boxes are cleared.

Move dimension line

Lets you move only the dimension line by dragging it to the new location.

By default, the Creation and Modification check boxes are cleared.

Move dimension line secondary part

Lets you move only the second part of the dimension line by dragging it to the new location.

By default, the Creation and Modification check boxes are cleared.

Move dimension leader

Lets you move the first part of the dimension leader.

By default, the Creation check box is cleared, and the Modification check box is selected.

Important: In one-part dimensions, the manipulator is placed at the start of the dimension value as shown in the image below.

Annotation Manipulators

These options allow you to customize whether to display the manipulators on annotations or not:

  • When you select the annotation
  • When you edit the annotation's text

Rotate annotation
Lets you display the rotate annotation manipulator, using which you can rotate the annotation.

By default, the Selection and the Text Edition check boxes are selected.

Stretch text
Lets you display the stretch text annotation manipulator.

By default, the Selection and the Text Edition check boxes are selected.

Resize text
Lets you display the resize text annotation manipulator, using which you can resize the text as per your requirement.

By default, the Selection and the Text Edition check boxes are selected.

Slide text
Lets you display the slide text annotation manipulator, using which you can move the text along either sides as per your requirement.

By default, the Selection check box is selected and the Text Edition check box is cleared.

Resize leader attachment
Lets you display the resize leader attachment annotation manipulator, using which you can resize the offset between the anchor point and the first point of the leader.

By default, the Selection check box is selected and the Text Edition check box is cleared.

Move leader anchor point
Lets you display the move leader anchor point annotation manipulator, using which you can move the leader anchor point as per your requirement.

By default, the Selection check box is selected and the Text Edition check box is cleared.

Move leader
Lets you display the move leader annotation manipulator, using which you can move the leader at any desired location.

By default, the Selection check box is selected and the Text Edition check box is cleared.

Indicate a movable datum
Lets you display the indication of a movable datum annotation manipulator, using which you can switch between a movable datum target and a non-movable datum target.

By default, the Selection and the Text Edition check boxes are selected.