
The Simulation Navigator allows a team to access and manage simulations and the data and processes that are an intrinsic component of their simulations.

The Simulation Navigator User's Guide is intended for users who need to become quickly familiar with the Simulation Navigator.

Simulation Navigator in a Nutshell

The Simulation Navigator extends traditional Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) concepts by providing capabilities that are specific to simulations and tools that allows you to navigate on realistic simulations.

A simulation contains the data and processes that reproduce the scenario you are trying to simulate.

The Simulation Navigator takes advantage of PLM capabilities, such as versioning, impact graphs, and lifecycle management, and allows you to:

  • Search for existing simulations
  • Navigate on simulations (exploring, expanding and opening)
  • Manage simulations by performing various PLM operations
  • Navigate from a product to a simulation to find the related simulations
  • Manage documents within simulations.

The Simulation Navigator allows you to navigate on VPM simulations, such as simulations created in the DesignSight and General Structural Analysis workbenches, and SIMULIA Scenario Definition simulation processes, activities, jobs, and documents.

Before Reading this Guide

Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with basic Version 6 concepts such as the Bar, the Compass, document windows, and standard and view toolbars. Therefore, we recommend that you read the Infrastructure User's Guide that describes generic capabilities common to all Version 6 products. It also describes the general layout of Version 6 and the interoperability between workbenches.

Getting the Most Out of this Guide

To get the most out of this guide, we suggest that you start reading and performing the step-by-step user tasks, which cover all product functionalities.

Interface Description, which describes the commands that are specific to Simulation Navigator, and Accessing Settings, which explains how to customize settings, will also certainly prove useful.