About Explore in PPR

The Explore in PPR command allows you to explore a PPR object (Product, Process, Resource, System or Operation).

Related Topics
Exploring In PPR

Principle of Use

The Explore in PPR command allows you to explore a PPR object (Product, Process, Resource, System or Operation).

There can be only one "Explore in PPR" window opened at a given time.

When a PPR object is opened in Explore in PPR (from Search window, standard Explore, or when Relations Navigator or PPR Smart Completion is used):

  • When there is no Explore in PPR window opened, a new window is created and the selected object is added to the navigation window, directly under a fake node corresponding to its type (a product will be added under the Product fake node, a process under the Process fake node, and so on).
  • When there is already an Explore in PPR window opened and Relations Navigator or PPR Smart Completion is used, if a parent (direct or indirect) of the selected object is already opened in the navigation window the selected object will be added in the right place under the parent.

    Otherwise, the selected object will be added directly under the fake node corresponding to its type (as in the first case above).

The Explore in PPR command is available for a Product Configuration filter. In this case, the corresponding filtered PLM object is added in the PPR navigator. The symbol under the node indicates that the object is displayed in the PPR navigator with filtering considerations.

In the Search window, the Explore in PPR command is available on EBOM parts. The part under the current Product fake node is explored.

Special Cases

A number of special cases of Explore in PPR behavior are described in this section.

Case 1

When an object is to be added to the Explore in PPR navigation window under a given node, a check is done on the objects that have already been added under this same node to determine if one of them is a parent (direct or indirect) of the selected object. If so, the selected object is added (directly or indirectly) under its parent. If the selected object is multi-instantiated, all the instances located under this parent are opened.

Case 2

When the selected object is a parent of one of the objects that have already been added to the navigation window, it is added directly under the fake node corresponding to its type and its child is expanded under it.

Case 3

If an instance is selected (in a manufacturing action for instance), the father reference will be explored in PPR (cases 1 and 2 apply to this father reference).

Case 4

Explore in PPR on an on operation will explore it under its first father system (because an operation cannot be opened in authoring without a system above it).