Creating Sew Surface Features

You can sew all types of surfaces onto the bodies. Sewing is a boolean operation combining a surface with a body. This capability adds or removes material by modifying the surface of the solid.

Depending on your geometry, two kinds of sewing operations can be performed.

This task shows you how to sew surfaces using Simplify Geometry.

Related Topics
Creating Close Surface Features
  1. Click Sew Surface .

    The Sew Surface Definition dialog box appears.

  2. The surface boundary is on the solid. Select Join.1 as the surface you wish to sew onto the body.

  3. Keep Simplify geometry selected.

    Using this option, if in the resulting solid there are connected faces defined on the same geometrical support (faces separated by smooth edges), these faces will be merged into one single face.

    Arrows appear indicating the side where material will be added or kept. Note that clicking an arrow reverses the given direction. The arrows must point towards the solid.

  4. Click OK.

    The surface is sewn onto the body. You may notice that the bottom of the solid is made of one single face. The specification tree indicates you performed the operation.

  5. To see the simplification, just hide Join.1.

  6. Double-click SewSurface.1 in the specification tree to edit it and deactivate Simplify geometry.

  7. Click OK.

    The bottom of the solid is made of three connected faces. The smooth edges resulting from the sewing appear because no topological simplification has been performed.

    If the Object to Sew is colored, the colors will be kept if Simplify Geometry is deactivated.