Editing a List of Elements

You can edit a list of elements. Lists of elements are available within any command allowing multi-selection for input elements, when the list is not already explicitly available from the dialog box.

Before you begin:

To see an example of this capability, create a pad or a shellable feature.

  1. Click Variable Radius Fillet .

  2. Select any edge for filleting. The application detects both vertices and displays them as 2 elements in the Points box.

  3. Click the icon to display the Point Elements dialog box.

    This dialog box allows you to:

    • view the selected elements
    • remove any element clicking the Remove button
    • replace any element using the Replace button and selecting a new one in the geometry or the specification tree.

  4. Select two additional points on the edge. The Point Elements dialog box now displays four points.

  5. Select PointOnEdge.2 from the list and click the Remove button. The point is removed from the list.

  6. Select PointOnEdge.3 from the list and click the Replace button.

  7. Select a new point on the edge: PointOnEdge.3 has been replaced with PointOnEdge.5.

  8. Click Close in the Element list dialog box to return to the initial commands:: Variable Radius Fillet in this case. The Variable Radius Fillet dialog box is updated accordingly: only 3 elements are identified as being selected.