Creating Dynamic Section View

You can obtain a 3D section view of the part using the Dynamic Sectioning command. You can choose the position to cut by moving the section plane.

Before you begin:

To perform this task, create or open a part on which you want to perform a dynamic sectioning.

Related Topics
More about Dynamic Sectioning Using Section Plane
  1. Click Dynamic Sectioning in the Dynamic Sectioning toolbar. A section plane is automatically displayed at a default position.

    A 3D section view is generated at this position.

  2. Select the section plane position with the help of the purple pointer as shown below:

  3. Click and drag the section plane edges in the direction indicated by the arrows to resize it.

  4. Move the cursor over one of its diagonals, click and drag to move the section plane to the desired location along its normal.

  5. Move the cursor over the desired arc (U-V, V-W or W-U) or axis (U, V or W) of the section plane, click and drag to rotate it around its axis.