Setting Constraints Defined in Dialog Box

You can use Constraint Defined in Dialog Box which detects possible constraints between selected elements and lets you choose the constraint you wish to create.

In this scenario, you are going to constrain a hole.

Before you begin: To perform this task, create a pad and a hole anywhere on the pad top face.
Related Topics
About Constraints
Setting 3D Constraints
  1. Right-click the circular face and select Other Selection... to select the hole axis.

  2. Use the Ctrl button to select the face as shown:

  3. Click Constraint Defined in Dialog Box . The Constraint Definition dialog box appears.

  4. The application detects three possible constraints between the axis and the face:

    • Distance

    • Angle

    • Fix

    The other constraints are grayed out indicating that they cannot be set for the elements you have selected.

  5. Select Distance.

  6. Click OK to confirm. The distance constraint is created.