Parent/Children Applied to Dress-Up Features
The application builds a dress-up feature using edges or faces
belonging to a feature of any kind previously created. The geometry
of this feature is then considered as parent to the dress-up
As design goes on, the application computes specifications from the
geometry preceding dress-up features. This geometry can then be
different from the initial geometry used to build dress-up features
if you have inserted intermediate features.
Applying Parent/Children to a dress-up feature does not
display the most recent geometry preceding the feature in the
specification tree. The capability always displays the geometry
initially used as the parent of the dress-up feature. Conversely,
when editing a dress-up feature, the application always shows the
geometry used to compute the feature. These different behaviors
explain why for a given dress-up feature, the geometry displayed by
the application depends on whether using Parent/Children
or Edit. The parents displayed for a dress-up feature are not
necessarily the features preceding it in the specification tree.

Thickness and Draft Features
If you want to see the parents of a feature built from a
thickness or draft feature and additionally from geometry
transformed by these features, these are not considered as parents
of the selected feature. This explains why the graph will not show
thicknesses and draft features in this context.
In the following example, applying Show Parents to
the offset plane opens a graph showing only the pad and the edge
fillet as the parents of the plane. The thickness feature is not
considered as a parent because of the edge fillet generated from
this thickness and before the plane.

Considering the same shape but this time with no edge fillet
feature, the graph now shows the thickness as the parent of the

Contextual Commands
Here is the exhaustive list of the diverse contextual commands
allowing you to hide parents and children. These commands may prove
quite useful whenever the view is overcrowded.
- Show Parents and Children
- Show Children
- Show All Children
- Hide Children
- Show Parents
- Show All Parents
- Hide Parents