From the reference document, click Instantiate From Selection
or select Insert > Instantiate From Selection... from the menu
Select the power copy from the destination document.
The Insert Object dialog box is displayed.
Warning or error
messages can be issued if the chosen destination is ambiguous or
forbidden, for instance if you select an ordered geometrical set as the
After destination.
In case of
an error message, the destination field is emptied and the OK
button is unavailable.
In case of
a warning message, the power copy can still be instantiated but
some elements may not be inserted in the chosen destination.
Use the Reference list
to choose the correct power copy when
several have been defined in the document.
Select the
Part comparison instantiation

Select the Destination
of the instantiation.
It is
composed of two elements: a combo list corresponding to the relative
position (Inside or After) and a field
containing the destination feature.
The destination depends on the current feature
as it is automatically filled with the latter. If
there is no current feature, the field is empty.
possible, you can modify the default destination, either by
modifying the relative position or by selecting another destination
destination is filled with
After when the destination is
a geometric feature. In this case, the After field is
grayed out.
destination is filled with
Inside when the destination
is a geometrical feature set.
Complete the Inputs within the dialog box by
selecting the adequate element in the geometric area.
After each selection, an indicator is displayed in the left
viewer, with orientation when necessary. Click on the green arrow to
reverse orientation if needed.

Click Use identical name to
automatically select all the elements with the same name.
(optional) Click Parameters to display the
Parameters dialog box and modify values.
to create the Power Copy instance.
A PowerCopy Instances node is automatically created in the
specification tree of the current document. The Comparison Window
opens on the right side of the screen and the Scan and Synchronization toolbars are launched.

Note that:
All the inputs must have been provided before launching the
instantiation. Otherwise, the OK button is grayed out.
- Instantiated features are not updated to let you update them
one by one and check the consistency of the result.
- The current feature is not yet synchronized at this step. It
allows you to see the result of the Power Copy on the right side.
- A new PowerCopy Instances node has been created in current
document. This node allows the mapping between referenced objects
and instantiated objects.
When editing a feature in the Comparison Window, the edited
feature is highlighted simultaneously on both left and right sides of
the screen, in specification trees and 3D areas.
or First to update
The Scan command is automatically launched.
click Next
or Play update
to scan the instantiated features and update them.
All the inputs of TwoSurfacicHole are valuated.

Close the Comparison window.