Open the Manufacturing System Definition workbench.
Click Create System Process Scope
create a scope between the Assemble process structure and System 1.
Create an operation called Operation.1 under System 1.
In the Operation to Process Assignment dialog box, the processes that can be assigned to the operation are listed.

Select all the processes and click OK.
Click Create System Process Scope
and create a scope between process "Assemble A+B" and System 2.
An Information box appears asking you to confirm the scope creation of System 2.
It lists the processes to be unassigned from System 1 as follows:
- Provide A achieved by Operation.1 held by System 1
- Provide B achieved by Operation.1 held by System 1
- Assemble A+B achieved by Operation.1 held by System 1.
Click OK to create the scope of System 2.
The scope of System 1 is edited: processes that were previously assigned are now unassigned.