- A warning message appears for confirmation if you tries to delete a turning operation. Deleting a turning operation breaks all the existing links, remove synchronization, and also delete tool path for other Machining Operation.
- Synchronization is
managed in case you cut and paste the Machining Operation. When you tries to paste the cut Machining Operation at some location and if new location is incompatible then the Machining Operation gets deleted. You can retrieve the deleted Machining Operation by Undo. If the location is compatible then Machining Operation gets pasted successfully and links between the sibling Machining Operation gets renewed. For copy and paste, the new pasted Machining Operation does not have the
parameters of the original Machining Operation.
- Tool path computation of one of the Machining Operation also computes tool path of the other pass level synchronized Machining Operation. Tool path computation takes place individually for both the Machining Operation, as the tool path depends on compensation and other tooling parameters, and can be different. Deletion of one of the Machining Operation make the tool path status of the other Machining Operation "uncomputed". Tool path related to each Machining Operation is stored on the corresponding Machining Operation.
- Time Based Replay
and machine simulation happen as per the synchronizations created.
- If any of the Machining Operation is deactivated then the corresponding sibling Machining Operation operates as an independent identity. Link, tool path, and synchronization gets deleted between the master and sibling Machining Operations.
- Synchronization is not supported for Profile Finish Machining Operation, if Profile Output on Part check box is selected.