About 3D XML

3D XML is a universal, lightweight, XML-based format that enables users to capture and share 3D data quickly and easily. 3D XML compresses highly complex data, provides rapid file transmission and shorter load times while maintaining the exact geometry of the files exchanged.

The following topics are treated:

Connect Considerations

The following connect considerations should be taken into account

The 3D XML file can be stored on

  • a local disk
  • a network path, e.g.: \\machinename\home\my3DXML.3DXML

To connect to the 3D XML file, you should be a Windows Local User or Network User.

  • No username or password is required.
  • Internet paths are not supported.

Version Incompatibility Considerations

Depending on 3D XML file version ( v1.0, v2.*, v3.0, v4.*) some data cannot be opened due to version incompatibility. At present 3DLive opens all 3D XML v4.3.

Note the following:

  • If your try to open 3D XML with another minor version (e.g. v4.0, v4.1, ...), the message "The minor version of this 3D XML file is more recent than the current minor version. Some data will not be opened." will be displayed.
  • If you try to open 3D XML with a version superior to the supported version, the message "3DXML version not supported." will be displayed and the 3D XML file will be not opened.
  • If you try to open a 3D XML with a previous major version (e.g. 1.0, 2.*, 3.0, .... ), due to limited upward compatibility a dedicated message will be displayed:
    • Old Industry-specific limitation
      • Message = "Old industry-specific data were detected, please regenerate it from V5R17SP5."
      • Advice = "The industry-specific data can not be loaded. If you save this 3D XML, the version will be upgraded and old industry-specific data will be deleted."
    • Old Geometrical format limitation

  • Message = "An unknown geometrical format was detected, please make sure the 3dxml is xsd-compliant."
  • Advice = "The corresponding representations will not be loaded."
  • In this particular case, If you make a review on these 3D XML file, the version will be upgraded and unsupported data will be lost after the save.

Compass Considerations

Note the following exceptions for 3D XML files in the Compass:

North Quadrant:

  • Lock not managed (object always seen as not locked)
  • Owner not managed (information not persistent for 3D XML)

South Quadrant:

  • All objects are seen as last version (version information not persistent for 3D XML)

West Quadrant:

  • Modification information available only if it was saved at the time of the 3D XML file creation

3D Thumbnail Generation and Browsing

The following considerations should be taken into account:

  • If you explore a 3DXML file in 3DLive before having built the 3D Thumbnails, then you will only have geometry visualization for terminal nodes. Running the 3D Thumbnail Builder will add geometry visualization (3D Thumbnails) for intermediate and root nodes and you will be able to navigate easily in immersive mode.
  • The options are pre-selected, only quality can be changed.
  • Only 3DXML format Compressed Tessellated and Static Tessellated are supported.

Security and P&O

The security is based on windows directory security (read access).

Non-Supported Functionalities

Certain functionalities are not supported for 3DXML:

  • Logon Discovery : no alias supported : the alias is the path of the file
  • Visualization : DefaultView Section is not supported. The entire content of this section is ignored.
  • FlexibleAssembly (positioning issue)
  • Materiel on instance
  • Color/ Transparency on instance
  • Query: Only simple query is supported
  • Query: Ordering is not supported
  • Query: The Fetch query (capability to display the results on several pages) is not supported
  • Query: Environment to use for query is "EngineeringHub/PRODUCT"
  • Navigation Representation Generation: only one file is treated for each batch execution.
  • 3D XML obtained by saving a CATDrawing will not display drawing data, it will only display 3D data
  • 3D XML containing authoring data only is not supported