Layout Views Customization

You can customize the layout views. Layout views customization is used by 2D Layout for 3D Design workbench only.

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More About Layout Views Customization
  1. Click the Layout Views Customization node of the Standard Definition editor.

    The editor is displayed.

  2. Define the primary view type (Front, Right, Rear, Left, Top or Bottom) from the Primary view drop-down list.

  3. Define the 3D axis from the 3D Axis: H (horizontal), V (vertical) and N (normal) drop-down lists: this specifies which plane the primary view lies on and which orientation has the outgoing normal. For example, defining a front view on the xy plane and +z normal means that the rear view is located below the front view, along the z axis. On the opposite, defining a front view on the xy plane and -z normal means that the rear view is above the front view, along the z axis.

  4. Define the view box anchor point from the 3D Axis position drop-down list.

  5. Define the 3D axis origin from the 3D Axis origin: X, Y and Z drop-down lists.

  6. Define the view box overall dimensions from the Views distances: Front-Rear (distance from the front to the rear of the box), Right-Left (distance from the right hand-side to the left hand-side of the box) and Top-Bottom (distance from the top to the bottom of the box) drop-down lists.

  7. Select Invert Left view and Right view naming if you want the Right view to be called Left view, and vice-versa. This only inverts the name (not the type) of the views.