Bill of Material Styles

A bill of material can be created in different styles. You can define these different styles and their default values.

Bill of material styles are located in the Styles node of the Standard Definition editor, available via Tools > Standards.

Bill of Material

By default, a style called Default is available for each bill of material style. However, you can create a new bill of material style or delete an existing one.


  • The standard is defined and stored in the standard XML file.
  • When a bill of material style is modified, the bill of material which uses this style remains unaffected (that is, its values and options will remain same as it were defined previously).
  • If a bill of material is isolated, it will act as a simple table and it will be non-associative.

All the parameters associated to a given bill of material style are listed in the table below.

Parameter Description
Create style

Click Create style to create a new style for a bill of material.

  • In the Name of new style box, you can enter a name of new style.
  • By default, the new style is duplicated from the Default style available in the Duplicated from list. However, you can select a different style based on which the new style will be created.
Delete style Click Delete style to delete an existing style for a bill of material.
  • You need to select a style in the Delete style list.

Bill of Material Format

Specifies the format for the bill of material. The bill of material is managed using the standard. The standard enables the administrator to manage the format and the properties of the bill of material.

Various parameters which can be managed using the format are listed in the table below:

Parameter Description
Format > Type You can generate the bill of material using the following type:

Summarized: This setting allows you to create the bill of material that takes into account the leaf level in the product structure. Each node of the product structure is taken into account. This is the default setting.

Format > No Value Label Set a label when no value is set in the appropriate property field. The default value is '-'.
Format > No Material Label Set a label, when the material property is set in the bill of material and no information is set for the material property. The default value is '-'.


  • The bill of material displays the material defined only at the part level (materials defined at instance level or within a body are not taken into account).
  • When a part does not contain any material, the bill of material displays the appropriate flag which has been set in the standard definition.

Format > Favorite Table Style

The table style name to be applied to the tables that represent the bill of material. This style is applied while creating the bill of material. When a bill of material style is re-applied to an existing bill of material, then the table style is not re-applied to the tables. The default value is 'Default'.

Format > Item Number Label Type For each line of the bill of material, a specific item number is set. The item number is used in the balloons for numbering. The numbering can be of two types:

  • Integer: 1,2,3...: Select this option if you want the item numbering to be integer. This is the default option.
  • Letters A,B,C...Z,AA,BB... : Select this option if you want the item numbering in alphabetical order.

Reported Properties

Specifies the properties that are displayed as columns in the bill of material. For each property, a column is created. By default, the bill of material is created using the default bill of material style which uses the following four default properties. However, you can add other properties also. You can also enrich the bill of material with as many attributes as you want or you can change the existing attributes.

  • Item No.
  • Quantity
  • Description
  • Part Number

The following table displays the parameters used for customizing reported properties.

Parameter Description
List of properties > Property
  • You can select an existing property and modify it.
  • However, you cannot select a property several times in the same bill of material.
List of properties > Title
  • You can modify the title of the selected property.
  • For each property, a default name is set. However, you can change the default name using this field.
List of properties > Column width
  • You can modify the column width of the selected property.
  • The width value is set using the drafting standard unit (mm/m/inch as specified in the Tools > Options > Mechanical > Drafting > General > Paper Unit > Length field).
  • This button is enabled only if a single line is selected.
  • When you click this button, a new reported property is inserted at the end of the list and is initialized from the previously selected property.

  • This button is enabled only if a single line is selected.
  • Deletes one or more selected properties.

Move up You can modify the order of properties. The first line matches with the first column of the bill of material (the first column of the bill of material will display the values of the property available in the first line of the bill of material customization).

  • This button is enabled only if a single line is selected.
  • This button is disabled if the selected line is the first one.
  • Moves the selected property up.

Move down
  • This button is enabled only if a single line is selected.
  • This button is disabled if the selected line is the last one.
  • Moves the selected property down.