Using the Back-Clipping Plane

When most of the top view's background is of no use for the design, you can clip the 2D and 3D backgrounds of layout views using a back-clipping plane. The back-clipping plane is parallel to, and located behind, the layout view plane. It makes all background elements that are behind it invisible.

When the layout is a representation of a 3D shape, the back-clipping plane is centered on the 3D shape. When the layout is a representation of an assembly, the back-clipping plane is centered on the assembly.

Before you begin: Open a 2D layout representation of a 3D shape or assembly. Open the layout in the 2D window.
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More About the Back-Clipping Plane
  1. Right-click the top view in the specification tree or in the sheet and select Activate back-clipping plane.

    The top view now contains a plane that clips the background that is behind it.

    Note: All 2D elements of the layout view itself are still visible, independently of the plane's size and position. This lets you work in the layout view as usual, adding geometry, annotations and dress-up for example.

  2. You can now define the back-clipping plane's position in 3D space according to your design's needs. This position is defined by the distance between the layout view plane and the back-clipping plane.

    To do so, right-click the front view and select Edit back-clipping plane. A 3D viewer is displayed. The back-clipping plane is visualized using an orange frame and the layout view plane using a green frame.

  3. You can either:

    • Specify the plane's position relatively to the layout view plane by entering a value in the Depth field.
      Important: The unit value is defined in Tools > Options > General > Parameters and Measure > Units tab.
    • Drag the back-clipping plane.

  4. Click Apply to view your modifications.

  5. When you are satisfied with the back-clipping plane's position, click Close to validate and exit the dialog box.

    The background of the top view is back-clipped as specified.

  6. To deactivate the back-clipping plane, right-click the top view and select Deactivate back-clipping plane.

    The top view's whole background is displayed again as the back-clipping plane is de-activated.