Customizing a Toolbar by Adding Commands

You can customize a toolbar by adding or removing commands according to your needs. You can also add the commands which are not directly available in any of the toolbars or menus.

  1. Select Tools > Customize.

    The Customize dialog box appears.

  2. In the Customize dialog box, select the Commands tab to view the list of commands.

    The Categories list allows you to filter the listed commands by category. Refer to Infrastructure User's Guide: Customizing for more information.

  3. In the Categories list, select All Commands.

    Note: The category All Commands lists all commands available for the workshop you are working in as well as global commands (e.g. Open, Save, etc.).

  4. In the Commands list, select a command you want to customize.

    For the purpose of our scenario, select Angle Dimensions from the Commands list.

  5. Drag the selected command from the list to the toolbar to which you want to add the command, the Annotations toolbar for example.

    Important: You cannot add a command to a sub-toolbar. Even if you try to add a command to a sub-toolbar, it gets added to its main toolbar.

  6. Drop the command onto the desired toolbar.

    The command is added to the toolbar. Refer to Infrastructure User's Guide: Customizing for more information.

  7. Optional: To delete a previously added command from a toolbar, you need to drag the command and drop it back inside the list of commands in the Customize dialog box.