Creating an Associated Text

You can create a text that will be associated to an existing element. This text will remain associated with this element.

You can set text properties either before or after you create the text.

Before you begin: Open a drawing representation. Create two diameter dimensions, for example.
Related Topics
More About Making an Existing Annotation Associative
Creating Text
  1. Click Text in the Annotations toolbar.

  2. Select the element to which you want to associate a text.

    As an example, we will use a dimension. In this particular case, you can associate the text to the dimension line by clicking it.

    The green text frame is displayed as well as the Text Editor dialog box.

  3. Enter the text to be created in the Text Editor dialog box or directly on the drawing. For example, enter "diameter".

  4. Click in the free space or click the Select icon to end the text creation.

  5. If needed, select the dimension and move it to the desired location.

    The text remains associated to the dimension.

    • Make sure you select the element that you want your annotation to be associative to with care. For example, in the case of an annotation associated to a dimension extension line, then moving the dimension value will not necessarily move the annotation.

      For more information about annotations, refer to Working with Annotations.

    • When creating associated texts, pressing the SHIFT key lets you change the orientation of the text as regards the element to which it is associated.