View Tab

The View tab in the Properties dialog box lets you modify view properties. It appears when you right-click a view and then select Properties.

Depending on whether you are in a Generative Drafting, Interactive Drafting or 2D Layout for 3D Design context, a number of options may be disabled.

This dialog box contains controls for:

View Name


Specify a name for the view.

Note: In a Generative Drafting context, when renaming auxiliary, section or detail views, the callout in the parent view will be renamed accordingly.


Enter an ID for the view.


Enter a suffix for the view.


Click this button to create a formula for the view name. For more information, refer to the Knowledge Advisor User's Guide.

Orientation and Scale


Specify the angle between the view and the sheet.

Important: The angle cannot be modified when the View Generation Mode option is set to Raster in the Generation tab (View Generation Mode section).

Define the scale of the view. In the next field, which cannot be edited, the decimal value is displayed with respect to the fraction.

Note: In a Generative Drafting context, only the generative elements (axes included) are scaled, neither the view name nor the dimension.


This option is not available in a Drafting context. For more about this option, refer to the Functional and Tolerancing User's Guide.


Display View Frame

Select this check box to show the view frame.

Lock View

Select this check box to lock the view so that it cannot be modified anymore. Once a view is locked, you will not longer be able to:

  • create views from this locked view,
  • create annotations or dimensions on this view,
  • update, delete or cut this view,
  • move generated geometry, annotations, dimensions and dress-up elements in this view.

However, you will still be able to move the locked view, as well as to move 2D geometry added in this view.

In the specification tree, locked views are identified by a lock on the view symbol.

Note: In a Generative Drafting context, locking a view may be useful if you need to modify a part without modifying the generated views. For example, when you need to modify a constraint in the 3D but not the generated views.

Activate Clipping Frame

Select this check box to reframe a view so as to display only part of it. Refer to Reframing a View for more information.